Worship and Events —
Join us at 10:00 AM on Sunday for our worship service. Each week, the new worship focus is updated in advance of Sunday’s worship service at Weekly Update. For upcoming activity reminders, recurring events, and archival information, view our News and Events page that also includes are monthly Oracle Newsletter. To find out more about us and our values, view Who We Are.
All are welcome!
Our tagline is “Centered in Christ, Caring for Community.” We care for community by loving God, welcoming all people, pursuing justice, and showing compassion. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Website Search and Find —
- If you are not sure of where to find information, type a descriptive term in the search box found at the bottom of each page. If that term is used on our website, each page containing that term will be identified with a link.
Website Content —
- Aside from this opening page, a menu of additional pages is found at both the top and bottom of each page. Because the Faith Priorities page has 21 subpages, the menu may not show all 21 subpages. Depending on your screen size, there may or may not be a “+” sign next to Faith Priorities. If there is, click on the “+” to access all 21 subpages. If there isn’t, then either all 21 subpages are evident, or you should then click on “Faith Priorities” and all 21 subpages will appear. For clarity, the 21 subpages are as follows: Caring — Deacons; Health, Safety, and Preparedness; Gathering — Worship and Music; Christian Hospitality; and Shepherding; Giving — Stewardship; and Legacy; Learning — Adult Faith Formation; Tending — Finance; Facilities; and Personnel; and Venturing — Mission and Outreach; Communications; and PC(USA) councils.
About the featured picture —
- The featured stained-glass at the top of the page is a montage of all the individual stained-glass windows in our sanctuary plus two inserts (i.e., our logo and the PC(USA) rainbow flag).
- In addition, in our Quiet Room connected to the sanctuary, we have this additional stained-glass picture containing a bible in the center —