Weekly Update

For 2-9-25

Sunday’s 10:00 AM worship service Hello!  This Sunday we will be gather for worship and celebrate the ordination and installation of church members recently elected to serve as Deacons and Ruling Elders.  We hope to worship God with you this Sunday. About our worship service and us For the service — All are welcome. A… Continue reading Weekly Update

Ads & Articles

View our monthly ads and articles. Our articles are placed in the SaddleBrooke Saddlebag Notes (and in the supplement section of the Arizona Daily Star) on the last Friday of each month, and the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup the first Friday of the following month. 12-27-24 — “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month is in… Continue reading Ads & Articles

Banners – Paraments

Church calendar

Many of our banners/paraments hanging in the sanctuary were handcrafted by members, including Lynn P, and displayed during each cycle of the church calendar represented by specific coloring.  White stands for Light and the Festivals of Christ (mostly in April and at Christmas in December).  Purple stands for royalty, repentance, and suffering (mostly the end… Continue reading Banners – Paraments