Sunday, 10:00 AM Greetings! Joy to the World! Please join us for worship at 10:00 AM, either in-person or virtually. This third Sunday in Advent is “Joy Sunday” when we Christians light the third Advent candle in joyful anticipation of Christ’s coming. We will sing songs of joy and hear about Apostle Paul’s wise and… Continue reading Weekly Update
Category: Worship
Mission Statement — MSPC
Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church (MSPC), a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), is a Christ-centered fellowship, called to live as disciples of Jesus Christ as we care for our community and our world. We strive to share the good news of the Gospel with each other and the surrounding communities, and to interact with love… Continue reading Mission Statement — MSPC
Banners – Paraments
Many of our banners/paraments hanging in the sanctuary were handcrafted by member Lynn P and displayed during each cycle of the church calendar represented by specific coloring. White stands for Light and the Festivals of Christ (mostly in April and at Christmas in December). Purple stands for royalty, repentance, and suffering (mostly the end of… Continue reading Banners – Paraments