This colorful illustration captures how we collectively steward our resources (time, talent, and treasures) to address our tagline — “centered in Christ, caring for community.”

Within the six Faith Priorities, there are fourteen associated Ministry Teams doing the work of the church. View each Faith Priority through the links below or from the menu bar to see what activity each Ministry Team is undertaking.
We affirm that all God’s people should strive at all times to conduct their lives to glorify God through our six Faith Priorities by…
- Caring for those who are sick, friendless, grieving, or in transition;
- Gathering for worship and Christian community (“hospitality”);
- Giving of our time, talents, and treasure to honor God and support the church;
- Learning God’s wisdom through adult faith formation;
- Tending responsibly the employees, facilities, and finances entrusted to our care;
- Venturing into the world to share God’s love with those beyond the congregation.
To get an even better understanding of how we steward our resources, check out our Annual Reports page. Among other things, the reports contain a summary from each Ministry Team about what was accomplished over the course of the full year. Each year, the annual report is made available to the congregation for their review prior to the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. At the meeting, the last Sunday of January, important actions are identified for which the congregation must act upon.
Go to News & Events for the most up-to-date information about us.