In Memoriam

Memorial Garden

The following member pictures represent those for which a family member has given permission to post the picture and relevant member information.

For members and family for which the ashes are placed in the columbarium in our Memorial Garden, the information contained on the memorial plaque and the picture of the plaque are also posted to the “Find-a-Grave” website and a “Find-a-Grave” memorial number is assigned. If you have an account with “Find-a-Grave,” you may be able to further identify family tree associations.


Mary Ann (Liddle) Butler

Frances Robinson Edson

Chalmer Hans

Born: 11-13-1937
Deceased: 12-4-2020

Randy Keith Pennington

Arjuna (Vic) Saraydarian

  • Born: 8-6-1943
  • Deceased:  1-8-2025
  • Vic’s obituary
  • Bulletin for the Service of Witness to the Resurrection – 2-6-25