Our most recent group photo from early 2023

- Get to know our Director of Music Ministry, Charmaine Piane Dame.
- View our Mission Statement.
- Check out the rehearsal expectations for our fantastic choir, handbell choir, and “band.” If you want to make a joyful noise to the Lord, join the Music Ministry Team! All talent is welcome. Our Director of Music is Charmaine Piane Dame.
- Music Program Update for Fall/Winter/Spring 2023–
- Handbell Workshop —
- Tuesdays – August 15, 22, 29 in Room 2/3. From 11-11:30 AM we will focus on how to ring and brush up technique. From 11:30 AM -12:15 PM we will learning new pieces. On September 3 at the 10 AM worship service, the handbell choir will play all the pieces learned during the workshop! Emerging Ringers, Accomplished Ringers, Sight Ringers, all are welcome to this workshop!
- Choir Update —
- Regular choir rehearsal will begin for the year on Thursday, August 31 from 3 – 4 PM in the sanctuary, and will be held each Thursday at the same time/place. Also, the choir is asked to come to the worship service each Sunday usually by 9:30 AM. All are welcome to come sing with us. All are welcome to come make a joyful noise with us.
- Handbell Workshop —
- Music Program Update for Fall/Winter/Spring 2023–
- View the two pieces of music specifically written for/about our church —
- “Mountain Shadows” — Based on the hymn cycle “Engelberg,” with music by Charles Villiers Stanford, 1904, and lyrics by Betty Bowers McMurray, 2003
- “The Faithful Church” — Composed by church member Steven Cupo in 2022 for our church’s 25th Anniversary.
- Listen to our recorded music by our talented musicians and guests.
- Read the special music lyrics performed during worship service.
Handbell choir from 11-19-23
- Know that we have permissions through two licenses to use the music and to post the musical performances. Our music is used with permission through two licenses (CCLI #11086328) and One License #A-736859):
- For CCLI, every three years for six months, our Director of Music reports the music used.
- Weekly song activity reported includes the song title, author/composer, CCLI song number. Based on the information submitted, CCLI distributes the royalty payments fairly and accurately to the song owners.
- For One License, each week, our Director of Music reports the music used because the worship service is recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.
- This is an online music reproduction licensing service that provides access to the music of top Catholic and mainline Protestant publishers and composers.
- For CCLI, every three years for six months, our Director of Music reports the music used.
Sanctuary Decorations —

Check out our banners/paraments.