The Facilities Ministry Team is dedicated in providing a place of worship that is inviting to all, is clean, safe and provides the appropriate environment for a variety of activities related to the mission of Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church (MSPC). The team ensures that all facilities and equipment are operating properly. We plan for the appropriate maintenance and for upgrades as necessary to respond to the continually evolving missions of Mountain Shadows. Through frequent cleaning and continual review of safety procedures we endeavor to make Mountain Shadows a safe place for the congregation and staff. Through coordination with other ministry teams, we assist their efforts to carry out the goals of the entire church.
In November 2022 the Worship Audio-Visual Experts (WAVE) Team was formed to review MSPC’s audio/visual technology. One focus of the Team is to strategize needed upgrades related to improving our networking capabilities (e.g., Wi-Fi, streaming, Zoom).
At the Session meeting held on May 17, 2023, Session approved merging the Health Ministry and the Safety and Preparedness Ministry into one ministry. The Health, Safety, and Preparedness Ministry will focus on a healthy and safe environment for Mountain Shadows.

On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, a group of Mountain Shadows congregants visited Old Pueblo Community Service (OPCS). OPCS is working to end homelessness and encourage recovery. The site visit will include lunch. Please sign-up on Sunday and/or contact the church office for more information. OPCS is contracted by our church to help keep God’s work around our campus pruned and looking beautiful.