- Advent begins on Sunday, December 1st. This Advent at Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church, we will explore Mark’s Gospel with the help of a slender, readable book titled Holy Disruption: Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark. On Wednesdays, December 4th and 18th at 3:00 PM, men and women are equally welcome to join Pastor Rachel in Room 3 of our campus education building to reflect together on what we’ve read in Mark’s Gospel and in Holy Disruption. We will share ways that the readings speak to our own lives and world. If you would like to participate in this 2-part Holy Disruption Advent class, please: Add you name to the sign-up sheet at church (or email mspcoffice@gmail.com), pick up a copy of Holy Disruption, pay $10 for the book on Sunday, December 1st, and come to Mountain Shadows on Wednesday, December 14th and 18th at 3:00 PM.