Hunger Action Activities

First Sunday of the Month Food Donations

We are actively engaged in tending to our community.

  • We declare ourselves a Hunger Action Congregation of the PC(USA).  We are taking substantive actions to address some of the needs of people living with hunger in our community.    
  • We collect and donate items for people in need —
    • Monthly activities —
      • “First is for Food” — On the first Sunday of each month, we collect and deliver non-perishable food items to a food bank serving residents of southern Pinal County.
      • “Third is for Threads” — On the third Sunday of each month, we collect and deliver clothing for people in need that are serviced by three non-profit organizations operating in Pima County.
    • Annual activities —
      • Little Dresses for Africa — This event takes place throughout the year. Volunteers hand-make dresses for girls and shorts for boys. We then mail the clothing to a non-profit organization that distributes it to children in Africa.
      • “Lotsa Pasta” — This event takes place at our church in February. We collect pasta and pasta sauce. We then deliver the food to a non-profit organization that distributes it to families in Pima County.
      • Peanut Butter Party — This event takes place at our church in the May through July timeframe. We collect 16-oz non-glass jars of peanut butter. We then deliver the food to a non-profit organization that distributes it to families in Pima County.
      • Protein Partners — This event takes place at our church in the January through March timeframe. We collect 12-oz units of non-perishable animal- and fish-based protein. We then deliver the food to a non-profit organization that distributes it to families in Catalina throughout the month of April.
  • We prepare meals that feed people in need —
    • On the first Sunday of each month, our volunteers assist in the soup kitchen at Cross Streets Community by prepping food to be served the following Monday and Friday.
    • On Monday and Friday mornings of each week, our volunteers serve meals at Cross Streets Community.
  • We pray to end hunger.  
  • We purchase for our use Just Coffee
    • Each Sunday during fellowship, we serve this fair-trade coffee.  


If you want to learn more about any of our Hunger Congregation activities, please contact the church office and provide sufficient information so that we can contact you.