Hunger Action Activities

First Sunday of the Month Food Donations
  • As part of the PC(USA), we proudly declare that we are a Hunger Action Congregation. We are able to address some of the needs of people living with hunger and homelessness through the following activities —
  • Donating items for people in need —
    • Monthly activities —
      • “First is for Food” — On the first Sunday of each month, we collect and deliver non-perishable food items to a food bank serving residents of southern Pinal County.
      • “Third is for Threads” — On the third Sunday of each month, we collect and deliver clothing for people in need that are serviced by three non-profit organizations operating in Pima County.
    • Annual activities —
      • Little Dresses for Africa — This event takes place throughout the year. Volunteers hand-make dresses for girls and shorts for boys. We then mail the clothing to a non-profit organization that distributes it to children in Africa.
      • “Lotsa Pasta” — This event takes place at our church in February. We collect pasta and pasta sauce. We then deliver the food to a non-profit organization that distributes it to families in Pima County.
      • Peanut Butter Party — This event takes place at our church in the May through July timeframe. We collect 16-oz non-glass jars of peanut butter. We then deliver the food to a non-profit organization that distributes it to families in Pima County.
      • Protein Partners — This event takes place at our church in the January through March timeframe. We collect 12-oz units of non-perishable animal- and fish-based protein. We then deliver the food to a non-profit organization that distributes it to families in Catalina throughout the month of April.
  • Preparing meals and feeding people in need —
    • On the first Sunday of each month, our volunteers assist in the soup kitchen at Cross Streets Community by prepping food to be served the following Monday and Friday.
    • On Monday and Friday mornings of each week, our volunteers serve meals at Cross Streets Community.
  • Selling Just Coffee
    • On the first and third Sundays of each month we sell bags of ground and whole bean coffee to support fair trade and to reduce shipping cost.

If you want to learn more about any of our Hunger Congregation activities, please contact the church office and provide sufficient information so that we can contact you.