Throughout the year, our independent seamstresses/seamsters sew handmade dresses and shorts for children in Africa. We mail the packages of completed items to Little Dresses for Africa, a Christian 501(c)3 that coordinates getting the clothing to the children through humanitarian efforts. Although the cut-out pattern for girl dresses if available on the Little Dresses website, we’ve included the cut-out pattern we use for boy shorts.
All of our needleworkers use their own leftover non-sheer cotton fabric, double fold bias tape, and elastic to make the items marked n large, medium, and small sizes. Karen S is the coordinator for our program. Contact the church office if you would like Karen to follow-up with you. The church’s contact information is located elsewhere on this page.
Anyone that sews independently and is able and willing to help is invited to join our team of needleworkers.
Here’s our pictures from over the years —