Grace and peace to the people of Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church. This message is intended to remind you that on Friday, September 30, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., a worship service of witness to the resurrection, in loving memory of Mary Ann Liddle Butler, will take place in the Mountain Shadows Church sanctuary. All are welcome.
You may read Mary Ann’s obituary here.
In lieu of flowers, Mary Ann’s loved ones encourage gifts to be made in her memory to Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church at our secure online giving page with a memo to specify “Butler memorial” or via check payable to MSPC with the same memo, sent to 3201 E. Mountainaire Drive, Tucson, AZ 85739). Or memorial gifts may be made to Tohono Chul Park, a place that Mary Ann loved, at tohonochul.org/support/make-your-gift/
May all who mourn be comforted in Christ. And may Mary Ann’s memory be a blessing to all whose lives she touched.