Mission Statement — W&MMP

The Worship and Music Ministry Program (W&MMP) draws its inspiration from the Mountain Shadow’s mission statement. We plan and deliver worship services that provide congregants and visitors opportunities to listen and respond to the Spirit through Scripture, the spoken word, and inspiring music.

  • We work to fulfill worshipers’ need to praise God and express thanksgiving in acts of prayer, remembrance, and offering.
  • We confer with and support the work of the Pastor and Director of Music whose responsibilities include respectively: the selection of scriptures, design of worship, preaching of scripturally-based sermons, selection of hymns, and the selection and oversight of all non-hymn music.
  • We collaborate to provide for all practical matters related to worship that are not the direct responsibility of the Pastor and Director of Music.
  • We believe as stated in the Book of Order that the life of the church is one, and that worship, witness, and service are inseparable. In Jesus Christ, God entered fully into the human condition in an act of self-revelation, redemption, and forgiveness.