- We are happy to partner with IMPACT of Southern Arizona for use of our facility in providing space for English-As-A-Second-Language (ESL) classes.
- Check out La Paloma, the Tucson Borderlands Young Adult Volunteer (TBYAV) program’s upcoming fundraiser in February. Mountain Shadows will be represented in the oral storytelling by our own Deb Brandt. Read the full flyer and order your tickets now! For more information about TBYAV, check out the TBYAV website.
- Women’s Bible Study — Although the class started on October 8, 2024, it will run for 10 sessions through March 2025. The LifeGuide® Bible Study curriculum “Meeting the Spirit” is the support document. All women are invited on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:00 PM. If you are interested, please RSVP to Office Manager Judy Leonard, at, using the subject line “Women’s 24-25 Bible Study.” This is part of the Adult Faith Formation at Mountain Shadows.
- Check out ways to help with those affected by the hurricane in North Carolina.
- Check out ways to participate in the Interfaith Community Services’ fundraising efforts.
- With the website being updated weekly, remember to use the refresh button on your device often. The refresh button looks like the above-posted picture.
Archived and On-Going Items
- Adult learning — Learn about our efforts to strengthen our faith through bible study and other gatherings of the mind and spirit.
- Columbarium Compassion Fund — Help us in our need to create new housing for the cremains of loved ones; our current space is fully obligated. You can make a contribution to provide new resting space for future requests by designating a gift either by check (with note) or using our secure on-line giving link. At Memorial Garden and Celtic Cross, you can learn more about the history of the columbarium.
- Congregation in Action and Photo Gallery (updated 10-31-24) — See photos and summaries of how our congregation “cares for community.”
- Green Living Initiative — Read about ways you can help reduce the carbon footprint while attending church and at home.
- In Memoriam — See pictures and information about members that have passed into life everlasting. For members in which we have “Find-a-Grave” family tree associations, we’ve included a link.
- Jazz and Special Music — Find out when the next special music event will be held at Mountain Shadows, or at other venues featuring members of Mountain Shadows (e.g., Oro Valley Jazz Band, Retro 7 Swing Band).
- Library (updated 1-26-25) — We added an electronic version of Volume 2 (the Constitution) of the PC(USA) — 2023-2025. The electronic version is available from the library page where you also can access the full inventory of books in our library. The library is accessible during office hours, as well as during worship services and other on-campus events. All our books are available for check-out.
- Member Musings — Learn something new about our members that helped them form their personalities, come to their faith, and exhibit their generous spirit.
- New member information — For visitors and/or new members, find out how to get a name tag, get involved in any of the church’s ministries and programs, and become a member of the church.
- Newspaper Ads and Articles (updated 12-27-24) — See the advertisements and articles published about our church.
- Oracle Newsletter (updated monthly) — Read any of the available newsletters for important updates from our ministry teams and announcements about upcoming events.
- Palm Cross instructions — You don’t have to wait until Palm Sunday to have your own Palm Cross. Check out our step-by-step guide and make your own.
- Prayers — We believe in the power of prayer. Join us as we pray for our nation, times, personal concerns and failings, and desire to end hunger.
- Recorded music — Listen to musical selections that are created by our talented musicians, vocalists, and guests for worship services.
- Recurring events — Find out the special faith-based opportunities our active congregation pursues.
- Requests for items — Learn about special items needed by our ministry outreach partners and friends.
- Trafficking in Persons — (Updated 12-27-24) — Learn about the efforts within our church, the PC(USA) Presbyterian Mission, and within the national government to end this tragic situation. Our own Elder Therese G is actively engaged in increasing awareness about this horrible situation. Contact the church office for getting in touch with Therese.
- Visual Artistry on the Campus — Learn about our banners-paraments and stained glass in the sanctuary, as well as the ceramic tiles, Memorial Garden, and Women’s Retreat quilt.
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