Our Church History

1997 - 2017 MSPC

Read the 20th Anniversary booklet — In October 1997, a small group of fewer than ten worshipers began meeting in the auditorium of Coronado Middle School in Catalina, Arizona as a Presbyterian Fellowship under the sponsorship of the Presbytery de Cristo with the Reverend Paul Doedens as the Coordinating Pastor. Rev. Doedens was a retired Presbyterian Minister living in Green Valley. Rev. Doedens’ outgoing personality, his deep faith, and his commitment to the Good News, helped build a strong and stable foundation for what would become Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church.

In September of 1999–just under two years after the community had begun its faithful worship in Catalina–the fellowship moved its services to the Mountain Vista Recreation Center at Sun City Vistoso. Initial attendance at this new location grew to about 30 worshipers. In August of 2000, the Rev. John Wall was called to Mountain Shadows as its Organizing Pastor.

On October 28, 2001, Mountain Shadows was chartered as a church within the Presbytery de Cristo of the Presbyterian Church (USA). In February of 2003, groundbreaking ceremonies were held at our current location at 3201 E. Mountainaire Road, just off of Oracle Road. Later that same year, on November 9, 2003, an official dedication of the new church was held with over 100 worshipers in attendance.

Today, The Reverend Rachel Srubas ministers to over 130 members and more than fifty regular visitors, many of whom are seasonal residents enjoying the warm winter climate of Southern Arizona. Mountain Shadows offers congregants and guests a variety of faith enhancing opportunities for themselves and their community.