- October 20, 2024 — From the Prayer of Confession contained in the Mountain Shadows’ worship bulletin —
- “Holy God, your truth is often hard to hear. We confess our avoidance, our purposeful distractions, our prideful arrogance, and all that keeps us from hearing your Word and responding with courage and care. When you send us messages and messengers, we tend to disregard those who tell us we are wrong. Have mercy upon us, Holy God. Open us to hearing the truth, no matter how it is conveyed. Open our ears to your truth and transform us by your Spirit. Humble us in your presence so that nothing will stand in the way of your Word for us today. Amen.”
- August 18, 2024 — From the Prayer of Confession contained in the Mountain Shadows’ worship bulleting reflecting on wisdom (Proverbs 9:1) —
- “This day is a gift from you, Creator God. We desire many healthy days to enjoy your goodness. Teach us to live well, to do good for others, as for ourselves. Make us mindful of any ways we have acted or spoken unwisely. Forgive us, through Jesus Christ. Teach us to reflect before we respond, to pause before we react; and to restrain ourselves from speaking carelessly or hurtfully. In Jesus, show us the way to peace. For your sake, we will pursue peace within ourselves and in the world. Amen.”
Prayers for Us as Individuals