Our church member and brother in Christ, Harvey Durand, died into everlasting life early on the morning of January 27, 2021. Your prayers accompanied Harvey and comforted our dear sister in Christ, Ginny Durand. Harvey and Ginny celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary in November of 2020. Our congregation has been deeply blessed by their presence… Continue reading Harvey Durand Memorial Service
Tag: memorial service
Carl Schultz Memorial Service
Dear Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church family, Peace to you in Christ, from Pastor Rachel Srubas. Early on January 6, 2023, our brother in Christ and faithful church member Carl Schultz died into life everlasting. It was my holy privilege yesterday to visit Carl and remind him of God’s great love for him, from which nothing in… Continue reading Carl Schultz Memorial Service
Mary Ann Liddle-Butler Memorial Service
Grace and peace to the people of Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church. This message is intended to remind you that on Friday, September 30, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., a worship service of witness to the resurrection, in loving memory of Mary Ann Liddle Butler, will take place in the Mountain Shadows Church sanctuary. All are welcome. You may… Continue reading Mary Ann Liddle-Butler Memorial Service