Facebook Postings

Townhall Gathering -- 10-29-23

Here you will gain access to our postings to Facebook without having to access them through the Facebook app.  We recognize that not everyone has an individual Facebook account.  Enjoy. Postings (most current listed first; by month) November — Updated 11-1-23. October (Note:  The first posting occurred on 10-31-23 covering 10-29-23 through 10-31-23 and will… Continue reading Facebook Postings

Church Staff

A congregation that is as active as ours depends on a remarkable team that cares for our members, works in the community, and nurtures our spirits and minds. Pastor: Rev. Rachel M. Srubas     Minister of Care:  Rev. Laura Munroe   Director of Music: Charmaine Piane Dame    Office Manager:  Judy Leonard   Church Treasurer:  Linda Zoellner