Visual Artistry on the Campus

Women’s Retreat Quilt — In 2024, women attending the retreat reflected on their learnings by drawing symbols onto cloth panels.  The individual panels were then handstitched together by Steven Cupo into a wall hanging quilt.  The quilt is on display in Rooms 2/3. Sanctuary Banners/Paraments — Featured here is an assortment of the hand-quilted items… Continue reading Visual Artistry on the Campus

Women’s Retreat 2023: Save the Dates!

April 11- 13, 2023Compassion—For Yourself and Others Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church is delighted to announce that our congregation’s well-loved Women’s Retreat is happening! Women, please save these dates and consider attending this 2-day immersive experience of spiritual formation and friendship-building: Tuesday, April 11th through Thursday, April 13th, 2023. As you plan your calendar, please note… Continue reading Women’s Retreat 2023: Save the Dates!