In this Adult Faith Formation bible study, we will experience the biblical phrase “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). Bring your own meal for this supper and scripture study series on all Thursdays in July from 5:00 to 6:30 pm in Room 3. This series was created by the marvelous educator/pastor, Dr. Mike Hegeman, who serves on the staff of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church in Phoenix.
Join Pastor Rachel Srubas and friends for a bring-your-own supper, an educational video on food and biblical faith, and conversation. Suggested simple “menus” will be provided beforehand so that participants may (optionally) prepare brown bag suppers like the dishes featured in the videos. Recipes (gluten free and comparable to biblical cuisine) will also be provided for more ambitious folks. Discussions will emphasize faithful hospitality, sharing God’s abundance, sustenance for the journey of faith, and meal-sharing as central to the Christian community. Please sign up at church or email with “Tasting the Bible” in the subject line.
Check out the suggested theme, scripture, menu, and recipe for each week:
- Week 1 — July 6 — “Hospitality“
- Week 2 — July 13 — “Sharing is Caring”
- Week 3 — July 20 — “One for the Road“
- Week 4 — July 27 — “O Taste and See“
Check out the recorded bible study sessions at our YouTube channel.
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