Weekly Update

For 2-9-25

Sunday’s 10:00 AM worship service

Hello!  This Sunday we will be gather for worship and celebrate the ordination and installation of church members recently elected to serve as Deacons and Ruling Elders.  We hope to worship God with you this Sunday.

About our worship service and us

  • For the service —
    • All are welcome.
    • A large-print bulletin with hymns is available.  NOTE:  To ensure that you are viewing the latest posted information, be sure to refresh the website each time you visit this link using the refresh button on your device that looks like the following picture —

    • Our hearing loop system with associated loop receiver/headset is available for individuals requiring hearing assistance.  Ask an usher for assistance with the headset.  If personal hearing aids are equipped with a telecoil, the hearing loop system can be connected to the hearing aids via Bluetooth.     
    • Although we host an in-person gathering for worship in our sanctuary, we also live stream the service via Zoom for those who wish to join us virtually and the service is recorded for viewing at any time at our YouTube channel.

    • Following the worship service, we share Christian hospitality by taking time to greet each other under the ramada with light refreshments, including coffee from Café Justo

  • About us —
    • Our News and Events page captures upcoming and past activities associated with our very active senior congregation. 
    • Our monthly Oracle Newsletter page provides summaries from our ministry leaders by month and year. 
    • Our Who We Are page provides more general information about our values.      


  • If you join us virtually for any first Sunday-of-the-month service, please gather up the communion elements (bread and juice) prior to the start of the Zoom/YouTube service. 

  • If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, please stay home, rest, and fully recuperate before returning to public activities.  If you are not infected but are immunocompromised, consider wearing a face mask in public.  Thank you for protecting yourself and your neighbors.
  • To respect the needs of individuals with chemical sensitivities, kindly wear minimal fragrances.  Thank you.  
  • Since our community is filled with people (and pets) in need, we act on God’s calling to care for community by receiving donated non-perishable food and/or clothing.  Any time you bring donated items, we will ensure that the items are timely distributed to those in need.
    • On “First is for Food” Sunday (the first Sunday of each month), we collect non-perishable food for both people and their pets.  This first Sunday of the month is also when we share communion during the worship service.  We are focused on ensuring that all of God’s people are fed.
    • On “Third is for Threads” Sunday (the third Sunday of each month), we collect used clothing and shoes and new undergarments for men, women, and children of all sizes and ages.  Shoestrings are especially needed, as is business attire.
  • If you wish to wish to donate or bring a floral arrangement suitable for display on a Sunday morning, you may do so (preferably after alerting the church office.  Note that there is a sign-up sheet during fellowship for best ensuring that your floral arrangement is displayed on your preferred Sunday. 
  • If you wish to communicate with us during the week, our winter hours for the church office are from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  However, with the holidays and scheduled staff vacations, our office is closed through the remainder of December.  Leave a voicemail message if you need to get in contact with the church office outside our office hours.  Note that during the summer months (June through August), our office is not open on Fridays.  

All are welcome!
Let’s worship our extraordinary God.