Greetings and deep peace to you. Please join us for worship at 10:00 AM on Sunday, September 8. “Be opened” said Jesus to a person who could not hear or speak; then healing happened. Come and be open to the Spirit and the Word that can transform lives.
All are welcome. Check out “Who We Are.”
Our worship service is live streamed via Zoom for those who wish to join us virtually. Meanwhile, our worship service will be recorded and can be viewed at any time at our YouTube channel. For individuals joining us in the sanctuary and needing hearing assistance, our sanctuary is equipped with a hearing loop system and associated loop receiver/headset; ask one of the ushers for assistance. A large-print bulletin with hymns is provided as a way for our virtual guests to follow along with the service, as well as for those individuals that prefer not holding both the hymnal and bulletin throughout the service.
Notes —
- If you join us virtually for any first Sunday-of-the-month service, please gather up the communion elements (bread and juice) prior to the start of the Zoom/YouTube service.
- Since our community is filled with people (and pets) in need, we act on God’s calling to care for community by receiving donated non-perishable food and/or clothing. Any time you bring donated items, we will ensure that the items are timely distributed to those in need.
- If you wish to communicate with us during the week, our summer hours for the church office are from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, Monday through Thursday; leave a voicemail message if you need to get in contact with the church office outside our office hours.
Highlights and Reminders
- On Sunday, September 15, Mountain Shadows’ members Mike Moyer and Suzanne Pennington will co-lead the worship service, presenting a Gospel-based message of hope. The message is especially applicable to people who may have suffered from adverse childhood experiences. Following worship, everyone will be invited to enjoy some refreshments and then view the film “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.” Read more about prior Resilience efforts to encourage the congregation to get informed about this documentary and local effort to address solutions.
- On 8-30-24, an article about member Janet McMillan Rives published in our monthly submittal to local newspapers (Arizona Daily Star, Saddlebag Notes, and SaddleBrooke Roundup).
- Women’s Bible Study — Beginning October 8, 2024, for 10 sessions through March 2025, the LifeGuide® Bible Study curriculum called Meeting the Spirit will begin. All women are invited on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:00 PM. If you are interested, please RSVP by October 2nd to Office Manager Judy Leonard, at, using the subject line “Women’s 24-25 Bible Study.”
- Fresh flowers – a temporary pause. Until later this fall, fresh floral arrangements will not be scheduled through our church office. However, those who wish to bring a floral arrangement suitable for display on a Sunday morning may do so (preferably after alerting the church office). Most recently, these lovely roses were donated in honor of the anniversary of Barbara and Henry Griffin (8-17-1929), parents of Elder Therese Griffin and were displayed in the sanctuary on 8-18-24.
- On “First is for Food” Sunday (the first Sunday of each month), we collect non-perishable food for both people and their pets. Our volunteers will deliver the items to Tri-Community Food Bank. This effort support, in part, our inclusion as a PC(USA) Hunger Action Congregation and Matthew 25 Church. Check out how generous our congregation was for the recent Peanut Butter Party that ended in July.
- On “Third is for Threads” Sunday (the third Sunday of each month), we collect used clothing and shoes and new undergarments for men, women, and children of all sizes and ages. Shoestrings are especially needed, as is business attire. Our volunteers will deliver the items to Casa Alitas Migrant Center, Cross Streets Community, Bridge Prison Ministry, and the IMPACT of Southern AZ Clothing Bank. This clothing gathering effort supports, in part, are inclusion as a PC(USA) Matthew 25 Church.
- Our Oracle Newsletter details our church ministries. You can view the most recent or any of our archived issues.
- Our online monthly ad/article publishes in several locations.
- Our inventory of books contained in our on-campus library.
- Our News and Events Page contains highlights of church activities.
- Because we recognize that you might be feeling anxious about current turmoil in daily life, here are selected prayers to reflect upon as we pray for our nation and our times.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, please stay home, rest, and fully recuperate before returning to public activities. If you are not infected but are immunocompromised, consider wearing a face mask in public. Thank you for protecting yourself and your neighbors.
- View the banners-paraments that hang in our sanctuary throughout the year.
- Take note of the montage of sanctuary stained-glass and the quiet room stained-glass windows. Also, view the brightly colored welcome sign at our front entry to the campus.
- Max, with Ronnie’s Handyman and Home Service, LLC (520-297-8794), installed these two sets of ceramic tiles in February 2024. The tiles are located on the front face of the church’s exterior wall. Thanks to Elder Therese G, Facilities, for keeping God’s house in good repair!
- Chris ( is the metal artisan that designed our Celtic Cross located in the Memorial Garden. Check out the article and more regarding the installation back in 2013.
- Sign-up for the monthly recycling collection — As part of our Green Living Initiative, you can be an active participant in caring for God’s creation.
- Check out the pictures from the free Oro Valley Jazz Band concert at Mountain Shadows this past Monday evening, April 15. Talk to trombonist JJ Johnston, a member of Mountain Shadows, to learn more.
- Stay posted for a membership session to learn about membership in this congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will take place. Affiliate membership is available for winter residents who maintain membership in a home congregation. See Shepherding Ministry Team for more information.
- Columbarium Compassion Fund — Columbarium niches in the Memoria Garden serve as the final resting place for the ashes of those who have died. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity in death as well as in life, but not everyone can afford the cost associated with the interment of ashes. Gifts to the Columbarium Compassion Fund [payable to MSPC; memo “Columbarium Compassion”] will support those in need. Contributions to this fund may be placed in the offering plate or given safely online at MSPC Give. Thank you and thanks be to God. See Memorial Garden for more background information.
Learn More About Us!
Check out Who We Are to find out more information about the movements we are investigating as we enhance our efforts to advocate for inclusiveness of all people, address social justice, and end hunger. Also, see our posting displayed around our campus that represents our fervent stand against gun violence.