Women’s Retreat 2023: Save the Dates!

April 11- 13, 2023
Compassion—For Yourself and Others

Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church is delighted to announce that our congregation’s well-loved Women’s Retreat is happening! Women, please save these dates and consider attending this 2-day immersive experience of spiritual formation and friendship-building: Tuesday, April 11th through Thursday, April 13th, 2023.

As you plan your calendar, please note that Easter Sunday will be April 9th. On Tuesday afternoon, April 11th, we will gather at the Redemptorist Renewal Center, 7101 West Picture Rocks Road, Tucson, AZ 85743. Space is limited to a total of 22 attendees (plus three church staff members). Each retreat participant will have a private bedroom and bath. Three generous meals a day will be provided in the retreat center’s dining room, along with beverages throughout each day. The retreat will conclude after lunch on Thursday, April 13th. We ask that those who attend remain for the entire retreat.

The retreat cost per person will be $270, payable to Mountain Shadows Church, which will cover all your lodging, food, and content expenses. We understand that this is an investment of time and treasure on your part. Limited need-based scholarships will be available.

The retreat topic will be Compassion—for Yourself and Others. The retreat leader will be our pastor, Rev. Rachel Srubas, author of The Desert of Compassion. Copies of the book will be made available in advance of the retreat. Although reading the book throughout Lent is recommended, it is not required of retreat attendees. Director of Music Charmaine Piane Dame will provide music during the retreat.

Please mark your calendar and watch for more information. If you can help with practical retreat planning and/or would like to request a confidential retreat scholarship, Joy Lewis can help you. Please contact the church office for her information.