The “Big Event”


2024 — Saturday, August 24, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Mission del Sol Presbyterian Church in Tempe, AZ will welcome everybody to participate.  The theme, Learning to Tell the Story, will cover a wide range of ways Christians can share the good news of God’s love across cultures, differences, and distances.  Keynote presenter Vince Bantu is a professor of mission studies at Fuller Theological Seminary and the author of A Multitude of All Peoples, a book on the Christian church’s global identity.  Learn about and register for the Big Event here.  Read Big Event workshop descriptions here.  Find Big Event Zoom links here. 


2023 — Saturday, August 26, 9:00 AM -3:00 PM, Holy Way Presbyterian Church, Tucson, AZ will welcome everybody to participate.  Lively keynote presenter Rev. Dr. Bill Brown will reveal “the most important psalm.” Attendees will explore the biblical call to pursue social justice with compassion for people in need, focusing on eradicating systemic poverty. EVERYBODY’s welcome to attend the Big Event. Register Here  (Learn more here).